Thursday, July 15, 2010


Nathan is doing great! He woke up a bit cranky but after a few minutes he was fine. He fell back asleep for a couple of hours and spent the whole day watching cartoons. He started drinking and finally eating. He was a little grumpy because he REALLY wanted to get out of the room but the rule is he had to lay flat for 6 hours. They ended up having to coil one vein. So when they have to do interventions like that you have to spend the night. So we got all settled in. Nathan finally got to walk around the halls and that made him happier. We passed the doctor and he took one look at Nathan and said....."Do you want to go home?" Heck yea! whooo hoo. So we went for the x-ray and all is fine. Since it was just one small coil the doctor said he was good to go. Jason and Joshua picked us up and we are now home! So good to be home. I know he will get more rest here.

As for the results of the cath. The doctor said he is a PERFECT candidate for the Fontan. His numbers are GREAT! He should handle the new circulation wonderfully.:-) The issue that we were concerned about isnt there anymore. So this will be just a basic Fontan. Great news!!!

I hope to get some pictures posted tomorrow. So check back when you can!


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