Friday, July 17, 2009

Nathan Update

We had his cardiologist appt yesterday. Everything went really well!! I am SO SO SO proud of him. He was so amazing. I have never seen a kid be so good while doctors look at them. He smiled and laughed. Even gave Dr. Finnigan a hug and kiss before leaving. I brought all kinds of distractions knowing that the echo would take a while. But he didnt need any of them. All he needed was a bag of 100 calorie oreo cookies:-) During the echo he watched a cartoon and would look over at the tech and smile. He would also stroke her arm and kissed the wand they use:-) too cute! He also liked running around in the halls with just his diaper giving the nurses a good laugh.

He is 23 pounds now! Dr Finnigan said he is doing well. We have a few concerns but nothing that needs immediate attention. He has a leaky valve that we are not sure how bad. So the plan is to go back in December for another echo. Dr Finnigan is debating on weather he should have a diagnostic cath just to get a better picture. He is still guessing his next surgery should be between the age of 3 and 4. So we have another year and a half. Which is good.....but part of me so wants to get it behind us. I know this next surgery is going to be the biggest. But I will take the year and a half of him just being a kid!!!

Thank you so much for all the prayers. We really do appreciate everyone. Nathan is so special and has brought more than I can explain to this this family. He has a purpose and has proven that he is a fighter. I so proud to be his mother:-)

Hope everyone is doing well!


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